Follow-up By New Leaf Symbiotics on TerraSym 408 Biologic Product

On June 15, Dave Weaver representing New Leaf Symbiotics, LLC, our “Competitive Seed Comparison Plot” partner providing the TerraSym, 408 biologic product visited the plot and along with First Harvest Farm Management, LLC owner/manager Joe Dierker, A.F.M/C.C.A. dug and inspected root and stalk development development on the same 2 hybrids evaluated 3 weeks earlier on May 27th. With the advent of much warmer temperatures and accumulation of G.D.U.’s over the past couple of weeks, it was anticipated we would see a noticeable change in the treated versus untreated hybrids. We were not disappointed! In the photos below, you can see the larger stalk diameter and more expansive root development of the TerraSym 408 biologic treated corn plants as compared to the control plants that did not receive the biologic treatment.

In this photo, note the increased diameter of the stalk and larger, more expansive root mass in the AgriGold A6659 VT2 (far right) and Lewis 15 DP 899 VT2 (second from right) hybrids over their same counterparts that did not receive the TerraSym 408 biologic treatment in furrow.
In this photo, New Leaf Symbiotics, LLC representative Dave Weaver is shown digging the Lewis 15 DP899 hybrid treated in-furrow with TerraSym 408. In evaluating the root mass, Dave is careful to remove the roots, along with surrounding dirt in order to not damage the roots prior to washing off the dirt in a bucket of water prior to inspecting the quality of the developing roots.

Follow along over the course of the 2020 growing season to see how the treated versus untreated hybrids perform thru vegetative development, tassel stage, and ear set. At harvest, we’ll evaluate each replication of the 3 biologic treatments (TerraSym 408, MycoApply EndoPrime EC, and Accomplish LM) across all 12 hybrids in the plot measuring yield, test weight, stalk quality, and net return on investment.

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